Thursday, December 23, 2010

Fragrance Guru?

*Picture: the wreath and spray I made for my friend! Her initials are in jingle bells at the bottom! It turned out awesome!! Yay!! :)
Dear Friend,

Last time we spoke, I was trying to figure out "What I was"...and how to answer that question in more than one language. Today I bring you a new language--the language of fragrance...

Last minute shopping is always interesting, and is a sure way to have interesting things happen to you. Tonight I was buying my mom and dad's presents with my sister, Christy, at Sephora. We really wanted to get perfume for our mom, and cologne for our dad so they could smell really good. Christy is more into fragrance than I am--she knows all about what scents are new, how to be age appropriate, and what a fragrance says about you. I pick up a bottle, smell the top (you know, where you can't even really smell it), or spray it on my arm (which I learned tonight taints the smell because fragrance smells differently on everyone) and if I like the scent--I'll probably buy the tiniest bottle available like 4 years later.

We were trying to pick out a scent for the pops, and a sales rep comes up to us and was asking us what we were looking for, blah, blah, blah. I let Christy handle this kind of stuff because she's into it--which means I enter Lindsey's La-La Land and end up sniffing all the tops on all the perfumes and colognes available and eventually make my way to Christy once the decision has been narrowed down to two choices and then my two cents get put in. This woman, Shelly, was ALL about fragrance. She could tell us everything there is about them--how they are made, what technology was used for the different brands, the key "notes" in the scents--I was super impressed. She was INTENSE. ...and we loved it! She was so helpful and helped us (mostly Christy--I mean--come on--I was sniffing all the tops!) and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have some awesome smelling folks come Christmas night! (not that they smell bad now!! haha!)

Them we went to Petsmart...I really wanted to buy Honey Bear a Christmas present :) One day while playing frisbee with her--I threw the frisbee too high and it soared beautifully into our neighbors yard...and may it rest in peace. It's a great frisbee--it's the Kong frisbee and they can chew on it and stuff and it doesn't crack and pieces don't come off and it's soft so it won't hurt their teeth/mouth. I also bought her a harness--which I'm most certain is going to make her feel how we humans feel when we get underwear/socks for Christmas--it's practical and we appreciate it, but we were hoping for the new hot pink Barbie car/ bright yellow Tonka truck :)

I also had to get a replacement phone this morning--to which I was sure if I had been in the store 5 minutes longer, the man behind the counter (being super helpful and kind to me) was going to ask me out to lunch. It was a little awkward, but he was a nice guy and I'm sure he'll find a lucky lady soon (he likes little dogs...and all I will say to that is: Saint Bernard--I've always wanted a Saint Bernard...heehe).

I took a trip to the doctors office today to figure out why there was something sticking out of my wrist. My left wrist has been hurting for a couple weeks now. I have small wrists and sometimes if I overwork them, they get weak and sore, so I have to wear a brace or take it easy and within a couple days I'll be better. Well the pain has been escalating and not getting better at all! So today I finally took a second to look at it and nearly passed out because it looks like a bone is sticking out. Turns out I have a cyst that will most likely need to be sucked out. I don't like needles at all--so all I can say is "Dear Cyst causing lots of pain in my wrist: Please go will be easier for both of us!!!!..You have two weeks to die before you get sucked out...make the right decision!!!!!" :)

I also delivered my dear friend's, Lindsay Wikoff's, Christmas present to her today! I made my first wreath!! She asked for me to make her a gift..and she has her own apartment so I made a wreath (Beachy/Christmas themed) with a matching spray that can stay up all year round! I will include pictures of it!!! I am sooo excited that I am expanding my crafting capabilities!!!

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve...and I have lots more to do!!! Tomorrow is baking day and finish wrapping presents day...I can't wait!!! I LOVE Christmas!!! It's such a beautiful holiday!!! So as I'm sitting my the beautiful Christmas tree in my living room, and all through the house--no one is stirring, not even a puppy--I wish you, dearest Friend, a wonderful goodnight--and a very Merry Christmas Eve :)

Lotsa Love,

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What Are You??

Dear Friend,

As I was doing some speed Christmas shopping yesterday--something funny happened that I thought you would enjoy :)

Background Info: When the famous Uncle Jo came into town a week or so ago (he is the Uncle of "the girls" I babysit/big sister-ify) we (Angie and I) were trying to describe my natural hair because it was straightened when he met me. I described it as half black hair, and my argument for that was because I get asked, often by African Americans, if I am half because of my hair. Angie couldn't believe anyone would think I could be anything but white. Well, dear Ang--here we go!

I was in Bath and Body Works buying some wonderfully good smelling things, and the cashier lady (I think Haitian because she knew French and Creole) said "Oh I love the curls at the ends of your hair" (my hair was straight and I had curled the ends with a curling iron earlier).
"Aw, thank you! I actually have super curly hair, but it's straight right now--so I wanted to curl the ends and make it look really pretty for today"
Cashier Lady, "I was trying to figure out what you were!! So you half, right?"
..."No, I'm white...(??)"
"No you ain't girl, you just don't know."...(a look of "I have no idea what to say to that" is plastered on my face)
"There is no way both your parents are white" (at this point I'm trying to determine why she thinks I'm half black--I don't even have my crazy curly hair!!!!....maybe it's my nose???)
"Yes, both of my parents are white!" (I'm practically pleading now)
"Well...then you just don't know"....(I'm at a loss for words I go with the only thing I can think): "Well...I have a lot of French in me...I think curly hair is french..?!?!"

...she starts speaking French to me. I'm not even kidding.

I somehow understood what she meant (Good evening, how are you? Do you understand French?), but I couldn't reply in a language I don't know!!!!!

Man, I left there totally STUNNED haha. I MUST be half black--I just "don't know"...and it's apparently very obvious my ethnicity isn't white--even without curly hair!!

I texted Angie right when I got out of the store to let her know I had straight hair and was still asked if I was "half".

I was so shocked that someone would actually say, "What are you?"....I felt like I should have had blue skin with bright pink polka dots for that moment in time so I could say "I'm different!"...and also I feel that if a white person were to ask me that, and I were half--I would get all offended and start yelling...?? lol

So Friend, when out there doing last minute shopping--be prepared to answer the question, "What are you?" two languages ;)

Good night and sweet dreams!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Short Message

Dear Friend,

I apologize for not writing last night, I was thinking of what I wanted to share when my mind went blank and a few minutes later was having a seizure.

I have been fortunate enough to not have a seizure since September, but they are never welcomed experiences! So, for obvious reasons I didn't post last night haha!

Well, unfortunately today has been pretty uneventful because I've either been studying for my final on the couch, or sleeping in my mom's bed!

So I'm going to just share a quick thought with you tonight, and then go back to sleep.

My next door neighbors are renting the house. They are an interesting bunch to say the least. Their house is always very decorated for the holidays, and this doesn't usually bother me until Christmas time. I'm one of those people who would cover ever square inch of their house in Christmas lights if I was able...and I would have like some type of scene in my front yard, heehee. So anyway, I take it personally when their yard is all decorated and out shines my house so seems uncalled for. Last year I thought it was a seasonal trend and wouldn't carry over through the years. Well, they are even lighting up their side of the hedge separating our yards--I feel like I'm being challenged!!!

Well, I don't have time this year, but for next year--watch out. Full-blown manger scene, home made, and fenced in our yard will be up. I cannot wait. I also requested that my father give me permission to put lights on the roof this year even though our roof needs to get cleaned....and I'm going to try and talk my mom into buying the lights on a net that go on the bushes...

Also on the topic of Christmas...Christmas pictures. Honey Bear is a total diva--she hates having her picture taken and acts like we are the paparazzi--she turns her head, does these weird expressions, and flat out will not allow her picture to be taken. Maximus, however, allows us to basically do whatever we want as long as he can give us kisses :)...I'm looking forward to having two dogs in our Christmas picture for the first time ever :D

Speaking of Christmas--I'm gonna go get in my jammies and crosstitch for an hour or so...still trying to get mom's present done. I have so many gifts to make, and I just don't know how I'm gonna get them all made! Well friend, goodnight...I hope yesterday and today have been wonderful days for you and you have been able to enjoy good health and smiles :)

Lotsa Love,

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rotten Avocadoes Taste So Much Better than...Not-Rotten Avocadoes.


Dear Friend,

I have to tell you about my backyard adventure with Maximus, "the Determined", today.

I had just been in the bathroom for about 25 minutes doing my hair, changing from pajamas to school-appropriate clothes, putting on my makeup and singing along with the radio (of course). So I was all ready for school--I was packing up my books and getting ready to head out the door, when I noticed Max was watching I figured I'd let him out before I left. So I walked him around in the front yard, and he did his business. Then Honey Bear was whining when I came inside, so I let her out in the back.

--Now, my backyard is fenced, and it isn't the largest backyard in the world, but still--it's a fairly well sized bit of yard! So Max was whining and I knew he wanted to run around with Honey Bear, so I felt a little guilty having him on the leash. So I freed him so he could run around with Honey Bear. Then I heard some intense fluttering in the corner of the screen. A butterfly was trapped. Our pool net is no longer on a pole (thanks to Honey Bear attacking it last time Christy tried to save a butterfly, heehee) it was difficult for me to try and reach the butterfly because I'm not terribly tall. So I was captivated by this scared butterfly and trying my hardest to save the little fellow, when I realized it was very quiet in the backyard. I looked into the backyard and Honey Bear is standing over Max, watching him eat a rotting avocado.

..I keep a bag of treats with me when I take them into the back yard, because I want to make sure that, if need be, I can get their attention quick. So...I shook the treat bag, called them, did everything--Honey Bear came and sat by my side immediately (she loves treats ha!)...meanwhile Max is ignoring my existence. I tried EVERYTHING...finally I tried to catch him. Man is that little booger fast!!! Twenty minutes later, covered in dirt and sweat (Maximus AND ME)...I had him somewhat cornered in the backyard and finally thought to tell him to sit. I told him to sit as my last gitch effort--and wouldn't you know it--HE SAT!!!! And then he sat there--with ears up--with this expression saying, "Is the fun game over now Auntie Linds???"...oh the fun game was OVER!!! I was so irritated and I was late for my class! It was terrible. I left the house--sweaty, hot, and dirty!! But he was safe--in his pen, covered in dirt and beggars lice. When I came home tonight he was perfectly clean and excited to see me :)

So I have come to the conclusion that rotten avocados must taste so much better than normal ones, because Max always goes for the squirrel half-eat and rotting ones...I don't approve...and I try to stop him...but I'm beginning to think his middle name is Determination. Even the vet has told us we have one very determined puppy...a good, and not so good thing depending on the situation! :) ...and no, I did not end up saving the butterfly. If he's still trapped tomorrow morning I'll go in for round two...he'll be more exhausted and more willing to be saved.

Side Note #1: Honestly, I don't know how he always stays so's amazing!! I wish Honey Bear had that gift!

Side Note #2: This time change is really messing with my's only 8:50pm and it feels like midnight!!! ...I think I need some coffee. :)

Until next time, Friend, I hope you had yourself a wonderful day and I hope you have a great night! Sweet dreams!

Lotsa Love,

Back in the Saddle

Dear Friend,

My, it has been much too long since we last spoke! Here is a list of reasons why I have been so distant the past few months:

#1:'s been INSANE.
#2: I sort of forgot my login name...and password...and the email associated with account HAHA!

..those seem like pretty good/verifiable reasons to me!

This past semester has been pure insanity. I have never had to pull so many all-nighters throughout ONE semester before. It was the craziness of finals week or the last couple weeks when everything is due--but EVERYDAY!!! When you start threatening to quit school on day 8 of's not really a good sign. :/

Well, the semester is wrapping up, which means Lindsey will be on the loose again! Creating crafts and joy wherever she goes! I have a list of things I need to create...and destroy, unfortunately...which made me think sharing my winter break with you would be oh-so fun! I enjoy writing and amusing others :)

I do have my first final of the fall semester in 2 hours, and have yet to look over any of the material (my toes desperately needed to be painted...and I had to figure out my gmail and blogger account info!! It was a mystery that needed to be put to rest already!) I must go and prepare for my science final.

I am soooo thrilled to be back in the saddle and able to write again! Oh how I've missed it! I already have so many funny things/quirks of mine to share! heehee..but until next time, Friend--have a wonderful, beautiful and bright day! :)

Lotsa Love,

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

CrAzY tOwN

Pictures: (Top) Going down the driveway (walking Trip, the cute Border Collie who's my buddy); (Bottom) A Shell gas station near work--FULL SERVICE..if you'll notice, some guy is checking all the fluids in the car and pumping their gas for them! I havent' seen full service at a gas station in a really long time!!! :)

Dear Friend,

Today was a very productive day work wise. I've decided it's time to spill the beans about my trip already!

So I am in Nashville for a job I got through my friend, Kaitlin. I'm staying up here the month of June to help with the summer institute, or conference, for a company called Math Recovery. Basically it's like a continuing ed. or professional course to help teachers with strategies for teaching math. Really cool stuff, and I'm only beginning to learn all about it now, so it's sort of like an internship because I'm learning all about the stuff, and then I get to help with the actual conferences and things so it's going to be quite fun and interesting!!

I have now completed my second day of work. Things went smoothly today, I did get lost a couple of times on my way back to the office from running errands to Home Depot and Wal-Mart, but thankfully I found my way!

It started raining last night and didn't finish until this evening. The road we are living off of is very steep and so the wet ground makes it a little tricky! Kaitlin did slip this morning, but she was okay. There is the "main road" and then you turn up that main road and go up about 4 hills then go up a super steep hill, and the house we are staying at is up there. We can't drive any further than the "main road" because a landslide occurred during the flood and half the road is missing to make it to the hill the house is on. So everyone parks on the side of the mountain down at the "main road" and then we walk. It's exhausting, but I think my legs will be in great shape by the end of this month--so that's a def. plus!!

I have a funny story to share about our walk home after work yesterday. We were a couple minutes into it and i heard a bug fly into my hair near my forehead on the left side, and I started screaming and over reacted and next thing I knew I had smacked my head silly--but instead of the soft part o my hand hitting my head--my knuckle hit my forehead a little too vigorously, and I didn't know whether to cry from the pain or laugh at my utter I laughed. I have a lump on my forehead, and will soon have a lovely green/blue bruise popping up soon. It hurts so stinkin bad!!! Haha!!!

People are so nice here...I can't get over it!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People just smile or wave to be nice!!! Today at Publix, I thought the jumbo bags of KitKats were buy one, get one free..and when the guy rang them up they didn't ring up that way, so I told him that I just wanted one bag if they weren't BOGO...and he was like "oh okay, well maybe there was some mistake, I'll just take one off" so he voided out one of the bags--but still gave it to me!!!! Amazing...

Tomorrow I am going to work, and then after work we are going to the CMA Music Fest!!!! I think we are seeing Jason Aldean, Alan Jackson, Tim McGraw, Carrie Underwood...and someone else I believe, but I don't have the schedule memorized. We are going opening night, and then closing night (Sunday)!!!! Soooooo exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well Friend, I hope you had a lovely day, and found a little piece of sunshine that made you smile :) I will hopefully be able to share my stories of the road trip to Nashville soon. Maybe I'll write about it during my lunch break tomorrow since I will be taking my lunch to work with me! :) Goodnight dear Friend, I hope you sleep very peacefully. :)

Lotsa Love,

"Crazy Town" by: Jason Aldean...listen to it, love it, think of me--because that's where I am!! In this crazy town full of neon dreams!! :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What a Week!!!!

Dearest Friend,

OH HOW I HAVE MISSED YOU!!! It has been much too long since I've last posted--but have no fear..I have MUCH to tell, and will have many, many new adventures to share over the next couple of weeks! :)

First of all, the week of Memorial Day was CRAZY because I had to get a lot of things straightened out for my month-long adventure in Nashville! I had the pleasure of babysitting my girls for two days, and I just have a quick two stories to share about our adventures together...
On Tuesday, June 1st, I watched the girls through the morning until mid-afternoon, and we had a blast as we usually do! I have a question to ask you, Friend. What do you do when you plan to swim, and it's too cloudy/stormy looking to do so???? I'll tell you the go to Hawaii!!! :) We "went to Hawaii" in the living room. Haha! A blue blanket was our "water", we made lemonade, put on our bathing suits and laid around the living room pretending to sun bathe! :)
On Wednesday when I watched the girls, we got into the pool after we watched Ariel's Beginning (which, by the way, I teared up in...which is ridiculous. But moving on! lol)! I had to kill several bees because a vine near the pool was attracting bees by the hundreds it seemed! We had a blast eating frozen ice pops and playing in the water. It never ceases to amaze me how much fun the girls are! We always have such a great time...they are such a pleasure to be around! I love you girls! :)

On Thursday, Angie dyed and cut my mom's hair, and can I just say, "Hot Mama"?!?! Ang gave her the greatest haircut she's ever had! It was so beautiful, I couldn't stop touching it! Oh how I wish I had straight hair!! :) And I packed and got ready to leave for Gainesville!

Friday morning, I finished packing...I packed wayyy too much. I had one large suitcase just for shorts, jeans, skirts, pajamas. One large suit case with just tops, and then four duffel bags filled with swimsuits, undies, jackets, shoes, etc. ...and Moose! :) Then I had a backpack with my books, computer, snacks, and tech stuff packed away! I also had an ice chest filled with roast beef, meatloaf, baked ziti, key lime pie, and gravy LOL.Christy and I packed up the car, and I had the seat bent forward so I could fill up the backseat. When I went inside to grab more bags, Honey Bear sneaked outside and stood in the back and had the saddest face on that said, "Where is my spot, Mom?" broke my heart. I nearly broke down in a pool of tears when I told her bye...she dropped her head really low--it was just pitiful it was so stinkin sad!!

So Christy and I got on the road for Gainesvegas and we arrived around 2:30. We ran some errands, and then Kevin came over and conversed with us, entertained us, and came up with an impromptu poem for us!!! It was awesome!!! Then we met up with Mana and Andrea from our girls college Bible study group. Then Andrea came over to Jess's apt with us, and Joanetta stopped by so we could see her. Then Kevin brought his lovely mom, Carol by. Carol and Kevin are such a hoot to be around! LOL..they had us crackin up! Carol has some awesome stories, and Kevin serenaded and entertained us, and we soaked it up blissfully! They are the best!!! So much fun!!! So many laughs and smiles are shared when you have the pleasure of being in their company!!! :)

On Saturday we ran some errands, and I dropped a letter over to my old SFC professor. It was nice to visit SFC and see the school...I still miss going to school there. We had a dinner with our beloved small group that evening. We got to see baby Erin Grace who is now over one year old!!! She is walking, eating real food, saying a few words, and continues to be such a blessing and a sweet, sweet little girl! It was so great to spend time with our Gainesville family....they are truly some of the greatest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. After dinner Christy and I stayed up until 3am going through all of my luggage and downsizing it...we got it down to 2 large suitcases and a few hang-up clothes!!! Christy is AMAZING!!!! :)

Sunday morning, June 4th, we had the opportunity to sing with the 1st Pres. choir!!! It was soooooooooooooooooo great to sing with the choir again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss it sooooo much!!!!!! Everyone is so nice, and so hard to be away from!!! They are some of the most welcoming, sincere, sweet people I've ever met! After church Kaitlin, Christy, Carol, Kevin, and I enjoyed a great lunch at McAlisters and Carol provided an endless amount of great stories, and Kevin provided the beautiful music and dancing as our entertainment. Kevin did scare me before we ordered our food. I knew he was coming in the door to the restaurant sometime soon, but I wasn't expecting him to come in so soon, and my back was turned to the door, and he came up behind me and grabbed me, and I screamed sooooo loud--the restaurant got dead quiet and everyone turned and stared at was probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life--but thankfully too much adrenaline was pumping through my body for me to really care what anyone thought! haha!

After lunch, Kaitlin and I packed up her truck and hit the road for Georgia! Aannnnnddd that is where I am ending this blog so I can write a separate blog for the road trippin adventures! :)

Well, Friend, I hope the past week has brought you joy, and you have been able to enjoy the company of some special people in your life as well!

Lotsa Love,

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorable Memorial Day

Dear Friend,

Once again, I have a day filled with adventures and fun to share with you! I was so tired from my fun day yesterday that I couldn't write last night!

So, yesterday was Memorial Day, and I would just like to thank all the service men and women all around our great country and all over the world who protect our country and her people. I would like to thank all of those whom have given their lives for their countrymen and for the sake of freedom, justice, and liberty. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate everything you do, and I don't take it for granted at all.

Yesterday, we did the throw-back birthday party in honor of Christy's 25th birthday. We had to post-pone the throw-back party from the 8th to yesterday because I was sick during her actual birthday. So yesterday was the throw-back party. When she turned 9 or 11 or something (hey--I was little--I don't remember the exact age she turned!) we had a Hawaiian themed party--my dad made a tiki hut from palm fronds, we had hula skirts, a pool party and what not. So this time around, we had mini tiki torches on the patio table, a sweet pinata, water balloons, the circle of fun (tiki torches in a circle around a charcoal grill that we used to roast our marshmallows for our s'mores!), and we went swimming for a few hours and my dad just got a basketball hoop thing for the pool--SCORE!!!

It was soooo much fun!!! We were so tired by the time we finished the s'mores we ended up not having birthday cake--which we aren't even having. We are a little caked out so we are having key lime pie!!! YUM!!! My mom did make a few cupcakes but the key lime pie is really the "cake".

We had sooo much fun, I made margaritas and they were delicious--for some reason I make them really well when I really don't even know anything about making them!

We were going to throw Honey Bear into the pool, but we concluded that it would traumatize her too bad. She barked so much while we were in the pool that she became hoarse and could hardly bark!! It was crazy--I've never heard a dog get hoarse before--she's fine today though, thank God! :)
I really enjoy running and jumping into the pool. I have to say that's my new fav thing to do. I did hit the water really hard/weird a couple of times. I think my left calf is gonna bruise--I can't stand to touch it it hurts so bad, and then I did a cannon ball and my rear end hit the water so hard my whole back side was bright red! It hurt really bad! LOL (Top Picture: I'm "soaring"!)

So after such an eventful day--I was EXHAUSTED..we all were! I hope you had a wonderful memorial day and remembered to pray for our service men and women! God Bless the USA! :)

Lotsa Love,

Awww "Shucks" :)

Dear Friend,

After spending a long afternoon shopping in Wal-Mart, what would you want to do when you got home?

...I prefer to shuck corn.
I got home and shucked 20 ears of corn like a pro, and then prepped them to be cooked on Memorial Day. They were beautiful and I have to say--I love shucking corn! I was doing it and my sister told me I belong on a farm, and I have to agree with her. It's strange because I belong on a farm, but I also should be a Native American. Every time I shuck corn, I secretly pretend I'm Pocahontas. I sing all the songs in my head (okay..sometimes out loud--who am I kidding, when do I ever sing in my head if singing out loud is an option?!!?). I have to say, prepping corn is seriously awesome and...I need to grow my own corn. On another note--Wal-Mart was selling corn for 19 cents a piece...that's a pretty darn good deal! So if you're a college student--enjoy some fresh corn on the cob from Wal-Mart! :)..I bet if you sing Pocahontas songs while you prepare it and eat it you will enjoy it 100x more!'s just a suggestion! :)

So there I am shucking the corn--this picture is me showing you my skills and also--it's a scene from Pocahontas (when she shows John Smith her version of "gold").

This is a picture of my corn before I cleaned up the ends and bagged them. They were so beautiful!!! secret hope is that you will now desire to watch Pocahontas! If you do decide to watch it--I would LOVE to watch it with you!!!! And Honey Bear would appreciate an invite too because that's her favorite movie (seriously, she'll lay in front of the tv and watch it--it's her fav!) :)

I hope you had a pleasant Sunday, and found something just as enjoyable as shucking corn to do! :)

Lotsa Love,

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Publix in Pajamas..and Seizures

Today in Photos: (Top) Me with the Milk Bones--I'll do anything for my pup--even go to Publix in my pajamas; (Middle) Me lovin a good deal--Cap'n Crunch = yum!; (Bottom) if you've seen Bedtime Stories--you will understand. I saw the Wheat Germ and started laughing! :)

Dear Friend,

Tonight's post is going to be short because I am in a weakened state--but have no fear, I'm hoping to be recovered tomorrow!

This morning started great with Honey Bear snuggled up against my legs! Then I got up and my poor pup was so sad because we ran out of her "cookies" the other day, and it's messing up her daily routine not having them. She gets a cookie every morning after she comes in from going potty outside. She was just standing and staring at the empty box on the floor in the garage--then she sat down and stared at the empty box, and then she laid down and looked at the empty box with longing eyes. I couldn't handle it--so Christy and I decided that she must get a cookie without delay!!...So we went to Publix in our pajamas. Christy's pajamas didn't look as pajamas-ish as my pajama shorts...I was wearing a normal shirt, but my shorts were ridiculous. I loved it! My mom ended up giving us this list of stuff to get, and then I kept seeing the lovely "Buy 1, Get 1" signs--those always get my attention and I got two boxes of Captain Crunch today for the price of one--I felt like a conqueror (see photo).

So the trip to Publix was an event to say the least. Then I came home and chopped up onions, celery, and bell peppers for my mom who was making spaghetti and jambalaya! Then I ironed clothes for a while. I took a break from ironing, and checked facebook and then realized I wasn't feeling very good.

I thought I needed to eat something so I ate two bowls of jambalaya but just kept feeling worse. Soon I felt like i couldn't move, my sis, bro, and mom helped me get to my mom's bed and then they just watched for a while, I finally was able to get up and noticed the tingling in my hands wasn't getting better--but worse. Within a few short minutes I was in a full blown seizure. I am very tired from the experience, but with the help of my family--they were able to help me get through it. Seizures are scary experiences and I hate them so much because I feel trapped in my own body. I'm glad they don't happen often because I can't stand them...and they are extremely exhausting. My whole body is utterly exhausted and sore. So on that note..

Friend, I hope you have a pleasant night and sweet dreams, and you are experiencing good health!! :)

Lotsa Love,

Not All Treasures are Silver and Gold

Dear Friend,

I hope you had a pleasant Friday! I had an amazing day...allow me to share.. :)

So, I started packing--I basically took 3/4 of all my hang-up clothes and draped/hung them around our room (Christy and I share a room). I still have to get my folded clothes out, but that can wait til Sunday. I have a list of items I need to buy--not much so that's good! I don't even know how I'm going to pack all these clothes--I know I will end up shipping some clothes home before I get back at the end of June!

I painted my toe nails a fuchsia pink that I love! I figured it's best to give my spunky-ness room to breath because I'll have to paint them a reasonable/professional pink color when I start working.

I got to babysit my girls last night. Okay, gear up---I'm about to go into full lovey-dovey/woman mode!!! I love these girls soooo much. They bring an endless amount of joy to my heart! Whenever I'm around them, I fully understand the saying "my cup overfloweth". They are the sweetest girls, they love Jesus so much, and they are so well behaved and just a joy to be around. We have such a good time together, and I'm like their big sister, and I LOVE IT!!! Last night we only had a couple of hours together, so we ate pizza, played "Dancing with the Stars"..I was the judge for Caroline and Abigail twice (they had to take turns being the boy for each other), and sweet little Sarabeth was the singer--she stood on the "stage" (their mini trampoline) and sang along with the High School Musical soundtrack. Then I had to be the boy for each girl, and when it was Sarabeth's turn to dance I dressed her up in a pretty Cinderella dress. She is quite the character already--we did a slow dance and I just held her the whole time and she rested her head on my chest and stole the show!! Then we ate popcicles and ice cream and watched 30 minutes of Ella Enchanted and then they had to get ready for bed. Abigail had to have 4 teeth pulled at the dentist so we had to get ready for the Tooth Fairy (she wrote the Tooth Fairy a thank-you note--I told you they were sweet girls!!). Then Caroline wanted me to tell her a bedtime story. Well I just watched the movie "Bedtime Stories" so I had a lot of good material in my head. I told a tale of a beautiful princess named Caroline and then when it was her turn she told a tale of a beautiful mermaid named Lindsey :) Then we all said prayers and I tucked them in.

I sat down to watch more Ella Enchanted when I saw a bright light outside and thought it was from their neighbor's house--turns out it was lightning--the crash of thunder even scared me it was so loud! Sarabeth woke up crying--so I ran in to comfort her and i laid down next to her and would watch the window and whenever I saw lightning, I would whisper to her not to be scared but some thunder was coming. It took her a really long time to fall asleep, I just kept running my fingers through her hair and rubbing her arm, then she fell asleep holding my hand :)

I just laid there because I didn't want her to wake up and then get scared again, so I have to say watching a child sleep is one of the most peaceful things in the whole world. She was so cute and warm and snuggly, I fell asleep after a little while. Angie woke me up :) That was probably one of the greatest moments of my life. I can't wait to have kids, they truly are God's greatest blessing!

Then I got home, and poor Honey Bear was sleeping by the front door, and she was crying and whining she was so happy to see me! I ended up sleeping in the bottom bunk so I got to sleep with Honey Bear, and before I had even gotten in the bed, she had jumped up and laid down--just waiting for me to join her. I got in the bed and she came and sat in my lap and laid her head on the crease of my arm and just licked my arm for like an hour! Those of you who don't know my dog--she's not the most affectionate dog..she only has affectionate moments and they are usually short lived. It was a sweet moment I will cherish while I am away from home.

Last night the Lord really blessed me with these treasures that some may think nothing of, but they mean more to me then silver or gold.

I hope you take the time to enjoy things and find God's blessings in your life, Friend, that have no monetary value whatsoever...because those are the things that truly matter. This is my "Friday" blog so I will be posting again later tonight for Saturday! :)

I hope you have a pleasant afternoon, filled with sunshine and bliss! :)

Lotsa Love,

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Driving, Walking, and Cheesecake...all very dangerous, and delightful things!

Today in Photos: The American flag outside Chik-Fil-A with my purple toes; my hair--I felt like Belle because I was wearing a yellow shirt and I had my hair up like Belle! (I'm such a Disney princess!!!); the beautiful Moon behind a palm tree; and my yumm-o cheesecake! :)

Dear Friend,

Today, like everyday, was filled with greatness!

I over-slept (yes, again), but made up for missing the most of the morning by doing lots of stuff!

Can I just say that if you ever need someone to go run an errand, or get you from Point A to Point B as fast as possible--I'm the person you should call! In my family, it's like everyone just knows this...yesterday my mom was running late leaving for church so she asked me to drive (because everyone knows we'll get there the fastest if I drive); today my dad asked me to go pick up some shipping tubes from FedEx--I asked him when he needed them...what was his response? "Now."....I was still in my PAJAMAS!!! He has his shipping tubes before he knew it!

So I'm getting stuff in order for my trip (I think I'll explain that tomorrow...too tired tonight, but I did just book my plane ticket! Exciting!)..I basically have a list of things I need to make lists's so much work! Then I vacuumed the house for my mom and my dad calls. He's in Fort Pierce and needs someone to meet him in West Palm with keys to my grandparent's house. Sooooo....I'm the go-to person for things like this because--I LOVE IT!!! I get to drive (which, I love to drive--not on i-95 so much, but I'll take what I can get) aaannnnndddd--it's like a 2 hour JAM SESSION!!! I just found my iPod that had been lost for who knows how long so I'm rediscovering all my old great music! (My new computer isn't synced to my ipod b/c my ipod was synced with my last laptop that doesn't have any new music on it)...but it's still filled with great things to jam to! So I went to the doc for my weekly B-12 shot and then jammed out to all sorts of things til I got to North Lake Blvd. Then I waited at a Chik-fil-a for my dad. I was sitting in the parking lot when I noticed how beautiful the flag looked blowing in the wind. I am really thankful to be living in America, and I know our country has issues, but I'm still a proud American, and I think I live in the most beautiful country! So I took a picture of the American flag (and my feet! The purple nail polish has got to come off soon...I'm sick of it.).

I get home and helped my mom shuck corn and make chicken rice, then while all that cooked, I took my beautiful puppy on a walk. Normally I wear my running shoes and we'll jog a little bit so she gets extra worn out. Today, I didn't even realize I was just in sandals--so of course something HAS to happen to my feet! A little boy was riding a skooter outside my neighborhood and, of course, Honey Bear has to act all tough like she wants to eat the poor child--when in fact she's just curious and...not that ferocious (at least I don't think so..?). So I brought her close to me and kept the leash tight and we walked in some yards to give the kid plenty of room on the sidewalk, and I smiled at him to try and make up for my ferocious beast on a leash! OF COURSE the yard I walk through for all of 15 seconds is basically JUST stickers!!!!! My poor feet were crying out in pain from the darn things!! So I get back on the sidewalk, grit my teeth and try to pull the lil stickers out--and they get stuck all over my fingers!! Now usually they don't hurt this bad, but just my luck--they were like thorns in my fingers and I was just COVERED. My fingers were actually BLEEDING from the darn things, I couldn't get them out!! I actually at one point thought I might cry they were so painful and I couldn't get rid of them, and Honey Bear was trying to scare a small child--it was a lot to handle at one time! I finally got them all out and Honey Bear and I finished our walk peacefully. I think my dog is too much of a city girl...there is a large strip of grass for like 1/4 of the area we walk, and i like to walk in the grass and feel it crunch under my feet--and my dog prefers the sidewalk...?!?! I really enjoy our walks though :) She has a new harness, and I love it! I'm gonna take a picture of it soon and post it on here! :)

After dinner my mom treated us to Cheesecake Factory cheesecake! I got the red velvet cake and cheesecake with white chocolate shavings on the side---Mmmm..soo good!!! We left to go pick up the cheesecakes and the moon was so beautiful I had to take a picture of it for you, Friend!

Goodnight dear Friend, I hope you have had a beautiful day, and enjoy peaceful, sweet sleep tonight! :)

Lotsa Love,

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Healthy Lunches, Butterflies, and Creepy Guys! Oh My!

Dear Friend,

Today was a grrrr-eat day! :) I slept in wayyy too late, but that's alright because I was as busy as a bee the rest of the day!

Quick recap from yesterday: Didn't get to post yesterday because I had a TERRIBLE migraine last night! So, I do have something to say about my day yesterday: I watched one of my FAVORITE movies: Fool's Gold! I could watch that movie all the time--I just LOVE it! Also, if you are looking for some good deals on Christmas stuff--summer is the time to buy! I bought a BEAUTIFUL tart burner and a couple of Christmas smelling tarts for only $10--what a deal! I always look for old holiday stuff after the holidays have past and then use it next year--why pay full price if you can just get it later!?!? So there's a shopping tip! I love a good deal! :)

My lil bro started his finals today so I picked him up from school and took him to go eat a healthy, well-rounded lunch at McDonalds. (See photos..the one of just me is how i eat fries sometimes: I drive with one hand and hold the fries and grab the fries with my's classy.) ..We are all about eating healthy--lemme tell ya! ;)

So then I had to take a package to the post office. I jammed out to Taylor Swift's "Today was a Fairytale" always makes my smile a little wider! I'm standing in line, and the post man calls me up when it's my turn to come up to the counter, and there is a woman working in the station next to him (but she wasn't taking customers), and he is an older man and he keeps smiling at me. All of a sudden the lady exclaims "wow, young lady, your eyes are just so beautiful and so bright!!!!" and then the man smiles and says "Ah, I know!! I couldn't help but look into them! So beautiful indeed!!"...I'm pretty sure I blushed, but I thanked them for their kind remarks!! I think every girl should be complimented on something about themselves at least once a day--it's such a great feeling! So here's my challenge: If something about someone strikes you (in a good way,LOL)--you need to tell them!!! Don't feel awkward because I can promise you that 100% of the time you are going to totally make their whole day (or week, month, or year!!).

Then I spent the rest of the afternoon uploading photos. Can I just say that the thought of having to upload photos makes me want to have a temper-tantrum and throw myself on the ground and pound my feet and fists against the floor and whine!!! It is so boring and time consuming...I can name 10 things off the top of my head I would rather do (1. go outside 2. walk my dog 3. peel potatoes 4. paint my toe nails 5. wash dishes 6. dance around in a vacant room 7. climb a tree 8. wash my car 9. cross-stitch 10. eat/bake something--BOOM BABY!! That's ten things off the top of my head that I would rather do than upload photos!!!) Here's the protocol for uploading photos that drives me CrAzY--upload photos from camera to computer; go through all photos and take out red eye (I always get red-eye!!); then I have to upload all of those photos onto (I like to have my photos on snapfish to ensure that if my computer ever crashes--my photos are safe online!) you know why my photos RARELY make it to Facebook...that's double the time waiting for these photos to upload!! I'm determined though to get all my old photos done, clear out my photo card and then it will be a much quicker process..I think the fact that I wait until I have 400 pictures to do at a time is the reason I hate it so much,lol!!

Oh, Friend, I saved a butterfly today! For those of you who don't know every secret about's one: I'm TERRIFIED of butterflies. It's ridiculous--I know--but guess what, what about me isn't ridiculous?! They get caught in our patio screening in the backyard, and I've saved like 4 butterflies, and I think I'm getting to place where I may be able to touch one to save it (I've been using the pool net). So I saved a butterfly today, but my mom had to help me--she ended up getting the butterfly out, but I helped! :)

After church tonight, I was pumping gas and Friend, if you are a guy--listen up, I have some advice for ya: If you want to make an "impression" on a girl--DO NOT drive slowly by and do the whole creepy stare thing. It's called "the whole creepy stare thing" because it's CREEPY!!! Creeps aren't appealing...they CREEP girls out!!! Don't be creepers!! A girl wants a guy who will sweep her off her feet--duh!! Okay so that's my advice.

Music Advice: Listen to Frank Sinatra....he's the man! I've been sharing his goodness with the whole family the last couple of days--let me tell ya: they are enjoying it! :)

I hope you, dearest Friend, have a pleasant night, sweet dreams, and a very very good night :)

Lotsa Love,

Monday, May 24, 2010

Baking Bonanza

Dear Friend,

I hope you have had a great day, filled with sunshine and smiles! And if not here is a big smile from me to you { :) }...everyone deserves at least ONE good, sincere smile every day!

Today was great! I got to skype for a few minutes with my "adopted dad" in Gainesville, Tom. It is his birthday today so Christy and I sang "Happy Birthday" to him :) . Then I went to my regular treatment at Nova, my headaches are really improving from the therapy! The number of headaches are reducing, as well as the amount of severe migraines! Praise God!

On the way home from mom and I stopped at a few nursery's to see if we could get a coconut palm. Well, we didn't have any luck (the cold we had this past winter has basically killed them all), but I was able to point something out to my mom...Friend, do you remember the Mango Madness story where I listed the reasons why I HATE mango trees??? If you didn't read that--you should at least glance over the list. Now knowing the reasons why I hate mango trees, and I plan on killing the one in my back is some devastating news: the person who lived behind us...has THREE..not one...not two...BUT THREE mango trees growing in their backyard. I showed my mom the size of them in comparison to the mango trees growing at one of the nursery's. I can't disclose any details...but the mango trees in my neighbor's yard must not be allowed to thrive much longer...

So anywho--came home from the doc, and decided "I need to get 'my bake' on!!!" that's just what I did!!

I baked banana nut bread especially for my sister because she requested it! Then I baked some peanut butter heaven cookies that Angie introduced to me last week. And I made some brownies for my man, Tom! I was literally in the kitchen baking from 2pm til like 6pm-ish!! The house smelled sooooo good!!!!!

Friend, let me just tell you--there are few things in life as enjoyable to me as baking under the right circumstances. "What are the right circumstances for baking?" you ask??
1. No time pressures....I don't want to be rushed!!
2. No shoes.
3. A cute apron.
5. A clean, organized kitchen.

*Bonus: Wearing a cute dress and having lipstick on...I know...I'm weird!

So all of these factors were present today, which made my baking experience oh-so-lovely! Except--the bonuses weren't present...I was in jeans and an old t-shirt and didn't put on any lipstick. But that's okay--they were my favorite jeans and my favorite old t-shirt so it all works out! At least I was barefoot! :)

So today I baked...tomorrow I research most effective ways to kill trees. I sort of feel like a federal agent or something--which reminds me: the series finale of 24 was tonight. It was sooooo good!!! I'm so glad they didn't kill Jack off!!! I feel a movie comin in the near future--at least I can only hope so! :)

I just uploaded some pics from Saturday's yard work..I still haven't really figured out how to use this blog thing but I'm gonna upload a picture of my baked goods so hopefully it doesn't look as weird as Saturday's blog. I want to put the picture at the end of the blog..but can't figure out how to...?!?!

Well, good night dear Friend, I hope you have very pleasant dreams and awake refreshed and ready for a new day! :)

Lotsa Love,

P.S. Here's a shout out to my sis: thanks for helping me come up with cool names/titles at the drop of a hat. You. Are. Awesome!!!! ;)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Rolling Away Stones

Dear Friend,

Today I woke up not knowing what the day would hold for me, but I knew two things: 1.) my dreams were far too stressful for me to even think about returning to them and 2.) I was going to church in a few hours.

So I woke up quite early (considering I could have slept a couple hours longer) and just laid on the sofa (with my faithful companion, Honey Bear, of course!) and many thoughts swept through my mind. I had no idea what the service was going to be about, but God knew that I needed help.

*Warning: this blog may end up being more serious and thought provoking than just readable entertainment. My apologizes if that is not what you are looking for--come back tomorrow for some more laughable stories (I have a feeling tomorrow's blog will have something funny!).

I've been struggling with certain things lately that I wasn't sure how to deal with. Lately I feel like I am almost being suffocated by my past, and wondering if God can heal all hurts--if allowed to. I know God can do all things, because nothing is impossible for God....the part I struggle with is: how do I allow Him to heal places in my heart I've tried to ignore for so long, thinking that if I just ignore them--they won't exist any longer.

Well Friend, take it from me: ignoring pain doesn't make it go away...laying band-aid after band-aid on top of a wounded heart will only make the heart grow heavy.

I feel as though certain events happened in my life that caused damage to my heart and I haven't been able to fully give those damaged parts over to God to heal because I haven't wanted to deal with the pain of those circumstances again. I have been able to harden my thoughts to those circumstances and talk about them with certain people as a matter-of-fact circumstance as if it were an everyday occurrence. But I recently shared some of these events made my heart hurt to remember some of these things. So I slapped another band-aid on my heart, changed the subject, and told myself to get over it--I told myself, "it was in the past, why get upset now?". But just because something is in the past doesn't mean it isn't affecting my present and my future if I'm not healed from those hurts. If my heart isn't healed of these hurts, the pain will prevent me from fulfilling my purpose and destiny God has for me. Pain causes fear, unworthiness, shame, guilt, insecurities, and slew of other un-Godly emotions. Over the past month I have felt God tugging at the band-aids layered up on my heart, within the last couple weeks...I've been slowly, painfully peeling back the band-aids. I'm not sure if all the band-aids are off yet, but I feel like I'm holding this piece of mangled, damaged beyond recognition lump of heart that only God could turn into something beautiful again.

My sister helped me more than she'll ever knew when we drove home from Gainesville last week and I blurted out something about my past and several layers of band-aids were shed through the wave of tears I cried. She helped me see past the pain to the light at the end of the tunnel. She prayed with me at a service plaza and broke through the pain that had become like a suffocating cloud around me. And I don't normally cry in front of people (which is probably one of the things from my past I have to come to terms with) but I think I really needed to cry...for like the majority of the trip home (sorry Christy for not being as fun as I normally am).

I know there are certain things God has for me, but I have to be in a position to receive them...and I'm ready to get to that position...even if it means rolling the stone away.
What about rolling the stone away, you ask?
Well, in church today, God knew He needed to give me a the sermon was on "Rolling Away the Stone. What stone do you need to roll away in your life?" and the main scripture was in John 11 when Lazarus died and Jesus raised him from the dead. It was an excellent sermon (you can watch it on under "media"). There were several things that really stuck out to me:

If you want God to do something He's never done before in your life, then you have to be willing to to do what you've never done before. [change]

If I am willing to do the difficult, God will do the impossible.

Once we roll away the stone, Jesus is free to say, "Come."

And I hope whoever reads this realizes that there was soooo much more to the sermon than just those three quotes, but those three stood out the most to me, and in relevance to what I've been sharing. I would like to leave you these few verses and a song and then bid you, dear Friend, goodnight. I hope what I have written tonight is clear, and understandable (I know I shouldn't wait until it's so late--my thoughts get too jumbled when I'm tired!!). Thank you for taking the time to read this blog message..I know it's missing the usual spunky-ness and entertaining stories I try to produce, but sometimes...there is a time to be serious. I am a sincere person who tries to be as honest as I it would be insincere of me to not share what is on my heart with you.

I also hope that if anyone reads this and is going through painful transformations, that they would find hope and joy in knowing that they are not ever alone. My goal is to one day be able to share my story with young girls and women..if not as a precaution to guard their hearts and bodies, but as a way for them to understand forgiveness and God's love and mercy. If anyone reads this blog and would like to learn more of my story, please feel free to ask and I will share what I can. My goal is be able to help females free their hearts so they can love freely, with nothing holding them back...I just have to allow myself to get to that place! :)

2 Corinthians 5:17-- Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new

Romans 8:28-- And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

Psalm 139:1-4-- O Lord, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word on my tongue, but behold, O Lord, You know it altogether.

Psalm 139:13-14--For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.

Psalm 139:17-18--How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; when I awake, I am still with You.

Psalm 139:23-24--Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, lead me in the way everlasting.

Psalm 30:2--O Lord, my God, I cried out to You, and You healed me.

Jeremiah 29:11--For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and hope.

Hebrews 13: 5(b)--For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."

Ecclesiastes 3:11--He has made everything beautiful in its time.

An amazing song...the lyrics have def. been the cry of my heart lately.
"Beautiful, Beautiful" By: Francesca Battistelli

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mango Madness...and Other Fun.

Dear Friend,

I have quite a bit of non-exciting fun things to share because today (like everyday) was...interesting!

I woke up, and went to Boca Helping Hands to sign up for volunteering! If anyone lives in the Boca area--you should sign up to help out at Boca Helping Hands--they are a fantastic organization! I really look forward to getting involved there when I get back in July! They have tons of things for you to get involved in--cooking, stocking, picking up from supporting companies, data entry, making sandwiches, making food bags, etc. There are tons of ways to help out, and it's a great cause. They are really organized too--which is a definite plus!

After the Boca Helping Hands orientation we came home (Mom, Big Sis, and Lil Bro are in on the whole volunteer for good causes thing too...what can I say?!...we're awesome.) and I was sitting at the dinning room table making out a list of foods I need to make/pack for my upcoming trip (more on that later) when my beloved pup starts puffing*.

*Definition of Puff: it's not a bark--it's more like the sound a human makes if they were to *huff*'s a precursor to Honey Bear's loud/warning bark

Okay--back to my story: Honey Bear is puffing and looking out the front window. Anyone who knows my dog knows that she barks at EVERYTHING...ALL THE TIME!!! So the fact that she was puffing instead of just being obnoxious got my attention. I turn around to look out the window and what do I see? old black Corolla...looking like it's going to park in front of my house...oh wait--the car is parking in the city grass (where the mail box is) the car is turning around and just all up in my grass....NO!!! Guess again. The car is pulling into MY YARD. Yes Friend, my YARD!! Not the strip of grass that technically doesn't belong to me--the actual chunk of land that is MINE ( parent's :)). So...we are all freaking out inside thinking that the car just isn't going to stop (it's coming in at an it's headed for our parked cars in the driveway...did i mention they are in the middle of my YARD?!!?) old lady gets out of the car (LOL)...we thought she was having a stroke or something because in my mind--that's the only possible excuse to pull into someone's YARD,LOL. Christy and I run outside to see if she's okay...(LOL)..she's smiling and waving a plastic walmart bag and proceeds to ask us if that's our mango tree in the back yard and if she can go pick some Mangos...I can't make this stuff up--that is the honest reason why this old lady pulled up into my YARD and nearly hit my car and my mom's van!!! FOR MANGOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to burst her bubble--we don't have any mangos...i climbed the tree a couple weeks ago and sawed off all the fruit-bearing limbs LOL...and the ones that still bear fruit (unfortunately) are not producing ripe fruit yet. She was let down, but then started to ask if the next tree belonged to my neighbor. We informed her that the next mango tree did belong to our neighbor...and she asked if she could leave her car (in the middle of my YARD) while she goes to ask for some mangos. Christy kindly asked her if she could move her car off our grass (I was just staring at the old lady in pure shock).

If I could...I would give that old lady my mango tree. She deserves to have her own, and I honestly hate that tree.

Reasons Why I Hate My Mango Tree:
~I'm allergic to Mangos!!! I can't touch the thing or else I break out in hives!! Why do I have one in my backyard?!?!?!
~No one in my family eats what does that mean? A bunch of rotten fruit that I have to pick up off the grass--WITHOUT TOUCHING IT!!! (Can you see how this is annoying??...just wait--I'm not done.)
~Mango trees are the Sasquatch of fruit trees...they just grow and grow and grow taller and taller and taller...They take over.
~The fact that mango trees are sasquatches is extra annoying because it's going to be THAT much harder for me to annihilate.
~The leaves go everywhere...I really just hate Mango trees. LOL

So after all of that...I went out in the backyard and weeded both of my mom's rose beds, cleared all the vines off the fence, filled in the two holes I created from digging up trees over Spring Break :) and got some old palm fronds off my coconut palms by jumping up--grabbing them--and then hanging until they came down :)....and I raked up about 10 tons of leaves. Honey Bear was a great helper today too! I will put a picture up tomorrow of her..she was so cute (and filthy!!!). I would clear a spot in the rose beds and move on to another weed infested area and she would lay down in the dirt I had just uncovered :)...AND she would drag the palm fronds into a pile. She really is a very smart pup!

Well Friend, that's about all I have to say about today. I'm exhausted from all the yard work, but it felt so great to be outside!!! It was a beautiful day today too! Not a cloud in the sky and nice and HOT!! :) Gotta get to bed now because rumor has it we are going to the early church service in the morning (which means I have to be up at 6!!). Good night, Friend...sweet dreams!

Lotsa Love,

P.S. Photos: one is me holding a caterpillar I saved, then one of my "serious yard work work!" and then sweet Honey Bear sitting in the rose bed right next to where i'm working :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Hello World!

Hey you!
Well, I figured my summer is going to be pretty busy--and what better way to document it than through the use of a blog?!?! So here I am!! I think my goal for this blog is to share summer adventures/stories with friends who have nothing better to do and are lookin for something to read while they are bored or procrastinating from doing something way more important! Hey--I know that if I had a paper due or chores to do--I would wish one of my friends had a blog so I could read it instead of having to do those things!
So things I'm going to share with you are of course my summer adventures, and photos of said adventures. Also, I will share songs that are meaningful and awesome, and then...songs that are just awesome (maybe not so meaningful). I really love music, so I figured that's gotta get a spot somewhere in my blog! I'll also share completed works of whatever--i.e. cakes, paintings, landscaping, etc. The final thing I will share is probably something about my dog since she's awesome...and so cute! :)

Well I hope you enjoy this blog whether you take the time to read it when you're busy or bored! I hope you have a great day!

Lotsa Love,