Monday, May 24, 2010

Baking Bonanza

Dear Friend,

I hope you have had a great day, filled with sunshine and smiles! And if not here is a big smile from me to you { :) }...everyone deserves at least ONE good, sincere smile every day!

Today was great! I got to skype for a few minutes with my "adopted dad" in Gainesville, Tom. It is his birthday today so Christy and I sang "Happy Birthday" to him :) . Then I went to my regular treatment at Nova, my headaches are really improving from the therapy! The number of headaches are reducing, as well as the amount of severe migraines! Praise God!

On the way home from mom and I stopped at a few nursery's to see if we could get a coconut palm. Well, we didn't have any luck (the cold we had this past winter has basically killed them all), but I was able to point something out to my mom...Friend, do you remember the Mango Madness story where I listed the reasons why I HATE mango trees??? If you didn't read that--you should at least glance over the list. Now knowing the reasons why I hate mango trees, and I plan on killing the one in my back is some devastating news: the person who lived behind us...has THREE..not one...not two...BUT THREE mango trees growing in their backyard. I showed my mom the size of them in comparison to the mango trees growing at one of the nursery's. I can't disclose any details...but the mango trees in my neighbor's yard must not be allowed to thrive much longer...

So anywho--came home from the doc, and decided "I need to get 'my bake' on!!!" that's just what I did!!

I baked banana nut bread especially for my sister because she requested it! Then I baked some peanut butter heaven cookies that Angie introduced to me last week. And I made some brownies for my man, Tom! I was literally in the kitchen baking from 2pm til like 6pm-ish!! The house smelled sooooo good!!!!!

Friend, let me just tell you--there are few things in life as enjoyable to me as baking under the right circumstances. "What are the right circumstances for baking?" you ask??
1. No time pressures....I don't want to be rushed!!
2. No shoes.
3. A cute apron.
5. A clean, organized kitchen.

*Bonus: Wearing a cute dress and having lipstick on...I know...I'm weird!

So all of these factors were present today, which made my baking experience oh-so-lovely! Except--the bonuses weren't present...I was in jeans and an old t-shirt and didn't put on any lipstick. But that's okay--they were my favorite jeans and my favorite old t-shirt so it all works out! At least I was barefoot! :)

So today I baked...tomorrow I research most effective ways to kill trees. I sort of feel like a federal agent or something--which reminds me: the series finale of 24 was tonight. It was sooooo good!!! I'm so glad they didn't kill Jack off!!! I feel a movie comin in the near future--at least I can only hope so! :)

I just uploaded some pics from Saturday's yard work..I still haven't really figured out how to use this blog thing but I'm gonna upload a picture of my baked goods so hopefully it doesn't look as weird as Saturday's blog. I want to put the picture at the end of the blog..but can't figure out how to...?!?!

Well, good night dear Friend, I hope you have very pleasant dreams and awake refreshed and ready for a new day! :)

Lotsa Love,

P.S. Here's a shout out to my sis: thanks for helping me come up with cool names/titles at the drop of a hat. You. Are. Awesome!!!! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Those peanut butter heaven cookies look good! I would love to see the recipe!:)
