Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What Are You??

Dear Friend,

As I was doing some speed Christmas shopping yesterday--something funny happened that I thought you would enjoy :)

Background Info: When the famous Uncle Jo came into town a week or so ago (he is the Uncle of "the girls" I babysit/big sister-ify) we (Angie and I) were trying to describe my natural hair because it was straightened when he met me. I described it as half black hair, and my argument for that was because I get asked, often by African Americans, if I am half because of my hair. Angie couldn't believe anyone would think I could be anything but white. Well, dear Ang--here we go!

I was in Bath and Body Works buying some wonderfully good smelling things, and the cashier lady (I think Haitian because she knew French and Creole) said "Oh I love the curls at the ends of your hair" (my hair was straight and I had curled the ends with a curling iron earlier).
"Aw, thank you! I actually have super curly hair, but it's straight right now--so I wanted to curl the ends and make it look really pretty for today"
Cashier Lady, "I was trying to figure out what you were!! So you half, right?"
..."No, I'm white...(??)"
"No you ain't girl, you just don't know."...(a look of "I have no idea what to say to that" is plastered on my face)
"There is no way both your parents are white" (at this point I'm trying to determine why she thinks I'm half black--I don't even have my crazy curly hair!!!!....maybe it's my nose???)
"Yes, both of my parents are white!" (I'm practically pleading now)
"Well...then you just don't know"....(I'm at a loss for words I go with the only thing I can think): "Well...I have a lot of French in me...I think curly hair is french..?!?!"

...she starts speaking French to me. I'm not even kidding.

I somehow understood what she meant (Good evening, how are you? Do you understand French?), but I couldn't reply in a language I don't know!!!!!

Man, I left there totally STUNNED haha. I MUST be half black--I just "don't know"...and it's apparently very obvious my ethnicity isn't white--even without curly hair!!

I texted Angie right when I got out of the store to let her know I had straight hair and was still asked if I was "half".

I was so shocked that someone would actually say, "What are you?"....I felt like I should have had blue skin with bright pink polka dots for that moment in time so I could say "I'm different!"...and also I feel that if a white person were to ask me that, and I were half--I would get all offended and start yelling...?? lol

So Friend, when out there doing last minute shopping--be prepared to answer the question, "What are you?" two languages ;)

Good night and sweet dreams!


  1. Wow! Now that is an experience and a half. Now if I had a dollar for every time someone has asked me if I was half. I would be rich. True story.

  2. That is hysterical! I used to get asked that too because of my dark skin - especially in the summer time.

  3. T--that's because you're so mocha! LOL

    JMKJewles: I'm so glad to know I'm not alone!!! My mom was so mad when I told her she wants to go back to the store with my dad and yell at that sales woman..she was super super mad! I just laugh because I'm definitely was just such a crazy experience!!! :)
