Thursday, May 27, 2010

Driving, Walking, and Cheesecake...all very dangerous, and delightful things!

Today in Photos: The American flag outside Chik-Fil-A with my purple toes; my hair--I felt like Belle because I was wearing a yellow shirt and I had my hair up like Belle! (I'm such a Disney princess!!!); the beautiful Moon behind a palm tree; and my yumm-o cheesecake! :)

Dear Friend,

Today, like everyday, was filled with greatness!

I over-slept (yes, again), but made up for missing the most of the morning by doing lots of stuff!

Can I just say that if you ever need someone to go run an errand, or get you from Point A to Point B as fast as possible--I'm the person you should call! In my family, it's like everyone just knows this...yesterday my mom was running late leaving for church so she asked me to drive (because everyone knows we'll get there the fastest if I drive); today my dad asked me to go pick up some shipping tubes from FedEx--I asked him when he needed them...what was his response? "Now."....I was still in my PAJAMAS!!! He has his shipping tubes before he knew it!

So I'm getting stuff in order for my trip (I think I'll explain that tomorrow...too tired tonight, but I did just book my plane ticket! Exciting!)..I basically have a list of things I need to make lists's so much work! Then I vacuumed the house for my mom and my dad calls. He's in Fort Pierce and needs someone to meet him in West Palm with keys to my grandparent's house. Sooooo....I'm the go-to person for things like this because--I LOVE IT!!! I get to drive (which, I love to drive--not on i-95 so much, but I'll take what I can get) aaannnnndddd--it's like a 2 hour JAM SESSION!!! I just found my iPod that had been lost for who knows how long so I'm rediscovering all my old great music! (My new computer isn't synced to my ipod b/c my ipod was synced with my last laptop that doesn't have any new music on it)...but it's still filled with great things to jam to! So I went to the doc for my weekly B-12 shot and then jammed out to all sorts of things til I got to North Lake Blvd. Then I waited at a Chik-fil-a for my dad. I was sitting in the parking lot when I noticed how beautiful the flag looked blowing in the wind. I am really thankful to be living in America, and I know our country has issues, but I'm still a proud American, and I think I live in the most beautiful country! So I took a picture of the American flag (and my feet! The purple nail polish has got to come off soon...I'm sick of it.).

I get home and helped my mom shuck corn and make chicken rice, then while all that cooked, I took my beautiful puppy on a walk. Normally I wear my running shoes and we'll jog a little bit so she gets extra worn out. Today, I didn't even realize I was just in sandals--so of course something HAS to happen to my feet! A little boy was riding a skooter outside my neighborhood and, of course, Honey Bear has to act all tough like she wants to eat the poor child--when in fact she's just curious and...not that ferocious (at least I don't think so..?). So I brought her close to me and kept the leash tight and we walked in some yards to give the kid plenty of room on the sidewalk, and I smiled at him to try and make up for my ferocious beast on a leash! OF COURSE the yard I walk through for all of 15 seconds is basically JUST stickers!!!!! My poor feet were crying out in pain from the darn things!! So I get back on the sidewalk, grit my teeth and try to pull the lil stickers out--and they get stuck all over my fingers!! Now usually they don't hurt this bad, but just my luck--they were like thorns in my fingers and I was just COVERED. My fingers were actually BLEEDING from the darn things, I couldn't get them out!! I actually at one point thought I might cry they were so painful and I couldn't get rid of them, and Honey Bear was trying to scare a small child--it was a lot to handle at one time! I finally got them all out and Honey Bear and I finished our walk peacefully. I think my dog is too much of a city girl...there is a large strip of grass for like 1/4 of the area we walk, and i like to walk in the grass and feel it crunch under my feet--and my dog prefers the sidewalk...?!?! I really enjoy our walks though :) She has a new harness, and I love it! I'm gonna take a picture of it soon and post it on here! :)

After dinner my mom treated us to Cheesecake Factory cheesecake! I got the red velvet cake and cheesecake with white chocolate shavings on the side---Mmmm..soo good!!! We left to go pick up the cheesecakes and the moon was so beautiful I had to take a picture of it for you, Friend!

Goodnight dear Friend, I hope you have had a beautiful day, and enjoy peaceful, sweet sleep tonight! :)

Lotsa Love,

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