Thursday, December 23, 2010

Fragrance Guru?

*Picture: the wreath and spray I made for my friend! Her initials are in jingle bells at the bottom! It turned out awesome!! Yay!! :)
Dear Friend,

Last time we spoke, I was trying to figure out "What I was"...and how to answer that question in more than one language. Today I bring you a new language--the language of fragrance...

Last minute shopping is always interesting, and is a sure way to have interesting things happen to you. Tonight I was buying my mom and dad's presents with my sister, Christy, at Sephora. We really wanted to get perfume for our mom, and cologne for our dad so they could smell really good. Christy is more into fragrance than I am--she knows all about what scents are new, how to be age appropriate, and what a fragrance says about you. I pick up a bottle, smell the top (you know, where you can't even really smell it), or spray it on my arm (which I learned tonight taints the smell because fragrance smells differently on everyone) and if I like the scent--I'll probably buy the tiniest bottle available like 4 years later.

We were trying to pick out a scent for the pops, and a sales rep comes up to us and was asking us what we were looking for, blah, blah, blah. I let Christy handle this kind of stuff because she's into it--which means I enter Lindsey's La-La Land and end up sniffing all the tops on all the perfumes and colognes available and eventually make my way to Christy once the decision has been narrowed down to two choices and then my two cents get put in. This woman, Shelly, was ALL about fragrance. She could tell us everything there is about them--how they are made, what technology was used for the different brands, the key "notes" in the scents--I was super impressed. She was INTENSE. ...and we loved it! She was so helpful and helped us (mostly Christy--I mean--come on--I was sniffing all the tops!) and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have some awesome smelling folks come Christmas night! (not that they smell bad now!! haha!)

Them we went to Petsmart...I really wanted to buy Honey Bear a Christmas present :) One day while playing frisbee with her--I threw the frisbee too high and it soared beautifully into our neighbors yard...and may it rest in peace. It's a great frisbee--it's the Kong frisbee and they can chew on it and stuff and it doesn't crack and pieces don't come off and it's soft so it won't hurt their teeth/mouth. I also bought her a harness--which I'm most certain is going to make her feel how we humans feel when we get underwear/socks for Christmas--it's practical and we appreciate it, but we were hoping for the new hot pink Barbie car/ bright yellow Tonka truck :)

I also had to get a replacement phone this morning--to which I was sure if I had been in the store 5 minutes longer, the man behind the counter (being super helpful and kind to me) was going to ask me out to lunch. It was a little awkward, but he was a nice guy and I'm sure he'll find a lucky lady soon (he likes little dogs...and all I will say to that is: Saint Bernard--I've always wanted a Saint Bernard...heehe).

I took a trip to the doctors office today to figure out why there was something sticking out of my wrist. My left wrist has been hurting for a couple weeks now. I have small wrists and sometimes if I overwork them, they get weak and sore, so I have to wear a brace or take it easy and within a couple days I'll be better. Well the pain has been escalating and not getting better at all! So today I finally took a second to look at it and nearly passed out because it looks like a bone is sticking out. Turns out I have a cyst that will most likely need to be sucked out. I don't like needles at all--so all I can say is "Dear Cyst causing lots of pain in my wrist: Please go will be easier for both of us!!!!..You have two weeks to die before you get sucked out...make the right decision!!!!!" :)

I also delivered my dear friend's, Lindsay Wikoff's, Christmas present to her today! I made my first wreath!! She asked for me to make her a gift..and she has her own apartment so I made a wreath (Beachy/Christmas themed) with a matching spray that can stay up all year round! I will include pictures of it!!! I am sooo excited that I am expanding my crafting capabilities!!!

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve...and I have lots more to do!!! Tomorrow is baking day and finish wrapping presents day...I can't wait!!! I LOVE Christmas!!! It's such a beautiful holiday!!! So as I'm sitting my the beautiful Christmas tree in my living room, and all through the house--no one is stirring, not even a puppy--I wish you, dearest Friend, a wonderful goodnight--and a very Merry Christmas Eve :)

Lotsa Love,

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