Wednesday, June 9, 2010

CrAzY tOwN

Pictures: (Top) Going down the driveway (walking Trip, the cute Border Collie who's my buddy); (Bottom) A Shell gas station near work--FULL SERVICE..if you'll notice, some guy is checking all the fluids in the car and pumping their gas for them! I havent' seen full service at a gas station in a really long time!!! :)

Dear Friend,

Today was a very productive day work wise. I've decided it's time to spill the beans about my trip already!

So I am in Nashville for a job I got through my friend, Kaitlin. I'm staying up here the month of June to help with the summer institute, or conference, for a company called Math Recovery. Basically it's like a continuing ed. or professional course to help teachers with strategies for teaching math. Really cool stuff, and I'm only beginning to learn all about it now, so it's sort of like an internship because I'm learning all about the stuff, and then I get to help with the actual conferences and things so it's going to be quite fun and interesting!!

I have now completed my second day of work. Things went smoothly today, I did get lost a couple of times on my way back to the office from running errands to Home Depot and Wal-Mart, but thankfully I found my way!

It started raining last night and didn't finish until this evening. The road we are living off of is very steep and so the wet ground makes it a little tricky! Kaitlin did slip this morning, but she was okay. There is the "main road" and then you turn up that main road and go up about 4 hills then go up a super steep hill, and the house we are staying at is up there. We can't drive any further than the "main road" because a landslide occurred during the flood and half the road is missing to make it to the hill the house is on. So everyone parks on the side of the mountain down at the "main road" and then we walk. It's exhausting, but I think my legs will be in great shape by the end of this month--so that's a def. plus!!

I have a funny story to share about our walk home after work yesterday. We were a couple minutes into it and i heard a bug fly into my hair near my forehead on the left side, and I started screaming and over reacted and next thing I knew I had smacked my head silly--but instead of the soft part o my hand hitting my head--my knuckle hit my forehead a little too vigorously, and I didn't know whether to cry from the pain or laugh at my utter I laughed. I have a lump on my forehead, and will soon have a lovely green/blue bruise popping up soon. It hurts so stinkin bad!!! Haha!!!

People are so nice here...I can't get over it!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People just smile or wave to be nice!!! Today at Publix, I thought the jumbo bags of KitKats were buy one, get one free..and when the guy rang them up they didn't ring up that way, so I told him that I just wanted one bag if they weren't BOGO...and he was like "oh okay, well maybe there was some mistake, I'll just take one off" so he voided out one of the bags--but still gave it to me!!!! Amazing...

Tomorrow I am going to work, and then after work we are going to the CMA Music Fest!!!! I think we are seeing Jason Aldean, Alan Jackson, Tim McGraw, Carrie Underwood...and someone else I believe, but I don't have the schedule memorized. We are going opening night, and then closing night (Sunday)!!!! Soooooo exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well Friend, I hope you had a lovely day, and found a little piece of sunshine that made you smile :) I will hopefully be able to share my stories of the road trip to Nashville soon. Maybe I'll write about it during my lunch break tomorrow since I will be taking my lunch to work with me! :) Goodnight dear Friend, I hope you sleep very peacefully. :)

Lotsa Love,

"Crazy Town" by: Jason Aldean...listen to it, love it, think of me--because that's where I am!! In this crazy town full of neon dreams!! :)

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