Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorable Memorial Day

Dear Friend,

Once again, I have a day filled with adventures and fun to share with you! I was so tired from my fun day yesterday that I couldn't write last night!

So, yesterday was Memorial Day, and I would just like to thank all the service men and women all around our great country and all over the world who protect our country and her people. I would like to thank all of those whom have given their lives for their countrymen and for the sake of freedom, justice, and liberty. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate everything you do, and I don't take it for granted at all.

Yesterday, we did the throw-back birthday party in honor of Christy's 25th birthday. We had to post-pone the throw-back party from the 8th to yesterday because I was sick during her actual birthday. So yesterday was the throw-back party. When she turned 9 or 11 or something (hey--I was little--I don't remember the exact age she turned!) we had a Hawaiian themed party--my dad made a tiki hut from palm fronds, we had hula skirts, a pool party and what not. So this time around, we had mini tiki torches on the patio table, a sweet pinata, water balloons, the circle of fun (tiki torches in a circle around a charcoal grill that we used to roast our marshmallows for our s'mores!), and we went swimming for a few hours and my dad just got a basketball hoop thing for the pool--SCORE!!!

It was soooo much fun!!! We were so tired by the time we finished the s'mores we ended up not having birthday cake--which we aren't even having. We are a little caked out so we are having key lime pie!!! YUM!!! My mom did make a few cupcakes but the key lime pie is really the "cake".

We had sooo much fun, I made margaritas and they were delicious--for some reason I make them really well when I really don't even know anything about making them!

We were going to throw Honey Bear into the pool, but we concluded that it would traumatize her too bad. She barked so much while we were in the pool that she became hoarse and could hardly bark!! It was crazy--I've never heard a dog get hoarse before--she's fine today though, thank God! :)
I really enjoy running and jumping into the pool. I have to say that's my new fav thing to do. I did hit the water really hard/weird a couple of times. I think my left calf is gonna bruise--I can't stand to touch it it hurts so bad, and then I did a cannon ball and my rear end hit the water so hard my whole back side was bright red! It hurt really bad! LOL (Top Picture: I'm "soaring"!)

So after such an eventful day--I was EXHAUSTED..we all were! I hope you had a wonderful memorial day and remembered to pray for our service men and women! God Bless the USA! :)

Lotsa Love,

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