Saturday, May 29, 2010

Not All Treasures are Silver and Gold

Dear Friend,

I hope you had a pleasant Friday! I had an amazing day...allow me to share.. :)

So, I started packing--I basically took 3/4 of all my hang-up clothes and draped/hung them around our room (Christy and I share a room). I still have to get my folded clothes out, but that can wait til Sunday. I have a list of items I need to buy--not much so that's good! I don't even know how I'm going to pack all these clothes--I know I will end up shipping some clothes home before I get back at the end of June!

I painted my toe nails a fuchsia pink that I love! I figured it's best to give my spunky-ness room to breath because I'll have to paint them a reasonable/professional pink color when I start working.

I got to babysit my girls last night. Okay, gear up---I'm about to go into full lovey-dovey/woman mode!!! I love these girls soooo much. They bring an endless amount of joy to my heart! Whenever I'm around them, I fully understand the saying "my cup overfloweth". They are the sweetest girls, they love Jesus so much, and they are so well behaved and just a joy to be around. We have such a good time together, and I'm like their big sister, and I LOVE IT!!! Last night we only had a couple of hours together, so we ate pizza, played "Dancing with the Stars"..I was the judge for Caroline and Abigail twice (they had to take turns being the boy for each other), and sweet little Sarabeth was the singer--she stood on the "stage" (their mini trampoline) and sang along with the High School Musical soundtrack. Then I had to be the boy for each girl, and when it was Sarabeth's turn to dance I dressed her up in a pretty Cinderella dress. She is quite the character already--we did a slow dance and I just held her the whole time and she rested her head on my chest and stole the show!! Then we ate popcicles and ice cream and watched 30 minutes of Ella Enchanted and then they had to get ready for bed. Abigail had to have 4 teeth pulled at the dentist so we had to get ready for the Tooth Fairy (she wrote the Tooth Fairy a thank-you note--I told you they were sweet girls!!). Then Caroline wanted me to tell her a bedtime story. Well I just watched the movie "Bedtime Stories" so I had a lot of good material in my head. I told a tale of a beautiful princess named Caroline and then when it was her turn she told a tale of a beautiful mermaid named Lindsey :) Then we all said prayers and I tucked them in.

I sat down to watch more Ella Enchanted when I saw a bright light outside and thought it was from their neighbor's house--turns out it was lightning--the crash of thunder even scared me it was so loud! Sarabeth woke up crying--so I ran in to comfort her and i laid down next to her and would watch the window and whenever I saw lightning, I would whisper to her not to be scared but some thunder was coming. It took her a really long time to fall asleep, I just kept running my fingers through her hair and rubbing her arm, then she fell asleep holding my hand :)

I just laid there because I didn't want her to wake up and then get scared again, so I have to say watching a child sleep is one of the most peaceful things in the whole world. She was so cute and warm and snuggly, I fell asleep after a little while. Angie woke me up :) That was probably one of the greatest moments of my life. I can't wait to have kids, they truly are God's greatest blessing!

Then I got home, and poor Honey Bear was sleeping by the front door, and she was crying and whining she was so happy to see me! I ended up sleeping in the bottom bunk so I got to sleep with Honey Bear, and before I had even gotten in the bed, she had jumped up and laid down--just waiting for me to join her. I got in the bed and she came and sat in my lap and laid her head on the crease of my arm and just licked my arm for like an hour! Those of you who don't know my dog--she's not the most affectionate dog..she only has affectionate moments and they are usually short lived. It was a sweet moment I will cherish while I am away from home.

Last night the Lord really blessed me with these treasures that some may think nothing of, but they mean more to me then silver or gold.

I hope you take the time to enjoy things and find God's blessings in your life, Friend, that have no monetary value whatsoever...because those are the things that truly matter. This is my "Friday" blog so I will be posting again later tonight for Saturday! :)

I hope you have a pleasant afternoon, filled with sunshine and bliss! :)

Lotsa Love,

1 comment:

  1. Very sweet! It's important to enjoy the simple pleasures of life :)

    I'm glad you got to enjoy the awesomeness of the bottom bunk. I know that if I move away, I'll miss having hb sleep by me.

