Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What a Week!!!!

Dearest Friend,

OH HOW I HAVE MISSED YOU!!! It has been much too long since I've last posted--but have no fear..I have MUCH to tell, and will have many, many new adventures to share over the next couple of weeks! :)

First of all, the week of Memorial Day was CRAZY because I had to get a lot of things straightened out for my month-long adventure in Nashville! I had the pleasure of babysitting my girls for two days, and I just have a quick two stories to share about our adventures together...
On Tuesday, June 1st, I watched the girls through the morning until mid-afternoon, and we had a blast as we usually do! I have a question to ask you, Friend. What do you do when you plan to swim, and it's too cloudy/stormy looking to do so???? I'll tell you the answer...you go to Hawaii!!! :) We "went to Hawaii" in the living room. Haha! A blue blanket was our "water", we made lemonade, put on our bathing suits and laid around the living room pretending to sun bathe! :)
On Wednesday when I watched the girls, we got into the pool after we watched Ariel's Beginning (which, by the way, I teared up in...which is ridiculous. But moving on! lol)! I had to kill several bees because a vine near the pool was attracting bees by the hundreds it seemed! We had a blast eating frozen ice pops and playing in the water. It never ceases to amaze me how much fun the girls are! We always have such a great time...they are such a pleasure to be around! I love you girls! :)

On Thursday, Angie dyed and cut my mom's hair, and can I just say, "Hot Mama"?!?! Ang gave her the greatest haircut she's ever had! It was so beautiful, I couldn't stop touching it! Oh how I wish I had straight hair!! :) And I packed and got ready to leave for Gainesville!

Friday morning, I finished packing...I packed wayyy too much. I had one large suitcase just for shorts, jeans, skirts, pajamas. One large suit case with just tops, and then four duffel bags filled with swimsuits, undies, jackets, shoes, etc. ...and Moose! :) Then I had a backpack with my books, computer, snacks, and tech stuff packed away! I also had an ice chest filled with roast beef, meatloaf, baked ziti, key lime pie, and gravy LOL.Christy and I packed up the car, and I had the seat bent forward so I could fill up the backseat. When I went inside to grab more bags, Honey Bear sneaked outside and stood in the back and had the saddest face on that said, "Where is my spot, Mom?"..it broke my heart. I nearly broke down in a pool of tears when I told her bye...she dropped her head really low--it was just pitiful it was so stinkin sad!!

So Christy and I got on the road for Gainesvegas and we arrived around 2:30. We ran some errands, and then Kevin came over and conversed with us, entertained us, and came up with an impromptu poem for us!!! It was awesome!!! Then we met up with Mana and Andrea from our girls college Bible study group. Then Andrea came over to Jess's apt with us, and Joanetta stopped by so we could see her. Then Kevin brought his lovely mom, Carol by. Carol and Kevin are such a hoot to be around! LOL..they had us crackin up! Carol has some awesome stories, and Kevin serenaded and entertained us, and we soaked it up blissfully! They are the best!!! So much fun!!! So many laughs and smiles are shared when you have the pleasure of being in their company!!! :)

On Saturday we ran some errands, and I dropped a letter over to my old SFC professor. It was nice to visit SFC and see the school...I still miss going to school there. We had a dinner with our beloved small group that evening. We got to see baby Erin Grace who is now over one year old!!! She is walking, eating real food, saying a few words, and continues to be such a blessing and a sweet, sweet little girl! It was so great to spend time with our Gainesville family....they are truly some of the greatest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. After dinner Christy and I stayed up until 3am going through all of my luggage and downsizing it...we got it down to 2 large suitcases and a few hang-up clothes!!! Christy is AMAZING!!!! :)

Sunday morning, June 4th, we had the opportunity to sing with the 1st Pres. choir!!! It was soooooooooooooooooo great to sing with the choir again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss it sooooo much!!!!!! Everyone is so nice, and so hard to be away from!!! They are some of the most welcoming, sincere, sweet people I've ever met! After church Kaitlin, Christy, Carol, Kevin, and I enjoyed a great lunch at McAlisters and Carol provided an endless amount of great stories, and Kevin provided the beautiful music and dancing as our entertainment. Kevin did scare me before we ordered our food. I knew he was coming in the door to the restaurant sometime soon, but I wasn't expecting him to come in so soon, and my back was turned to the door, and he came up behind me and grabbed me, and I screamed sooooo loud--the restaurant got dead quiet and everyone turned and stared at me...it was probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life--but thankfully too much adrenaline was pumping through my body for me to really care what anyone thought! haha!

After lunch, Kaitlin and I packed up her truck and hit the road for Georgia! Aannnnnddd that is where I am ending this blog so I can write a separate blog for the road trippin adventures! :)

Well, Friend, I hope the past week has brought you joy, and you have been able to enjoy the company of some special people in your life as well!

Lotsa Love,


  1. thanks for the compliment re: the luggage! :)

  2. Hope you have a great time in Tennessee :) Big J
