Saturday, May 29, 2010

Publix in Pajamas..and Seizures

Today in Photos: (Top) Me with the Milk Bones--I'll do anything for my pup--even go to Publix in my pajamas; (Middle) Me lovin a good deal--Cap'n Crunch = yum!; (Bottom) if you've seen Bedtime Stories--you will understand. I saw the Wheat Germ and started laughing! :)

Dear Friend,

Tonight's post is going to be short because I am in a weakened state--but have no fear, I'm hoping to be recovered tomorrow!

This morning started great with Honey Bear snuggled up against my legs! Then I got up and my poor pup was so sad because we ran out of her "cookies" the other day, and it's messing up her daily routine not having them. She gets a cookie every morning after she comes in from going potty outside. She was just standing and staring at the empty box on the floor in the garage--then she sat down and stared at the empty box, and then she laid down and looked at the empty box with longing eyes. I couldn't handle it--so Christy and I decided that she must get a cookie without delay!!...So we went to Publix in our pajamas. Christy's pajamas didn't look as pajamas-ish as my pajama shorts...I was wearing a normal shirt, but my shorts were ridiculous. I loved it! My mom ended up giving us this list of stuff to get, and then I kept seeing the lovely "Buy 1, Get 1" signs--those always get my attention and I got two boxes of Captain Crunch today for the price of one--I felt like a conqueror (see photo).

So the trip to Publix was an event to say the least. Then I came home and chopped up onions, celery, and bell peppers for my mom who was making spaghetti and jambalaya! Then I ironed clothes for a while. I took a break from ironing, and checked facebook and then realized I wasn't feeling very good.

I thought I needed to eat something so I ate two bowls of jambalaya but just kept feeling worse. Soon I felt like i couldn't move, my sis, bro, and mom helped me get to my mom's bed and then they just watched for a while, I finally was able to get up and noticed the tingling in my hands wasn't getting better--but worse. Within a few short minutes I was in a full blown seizure. I am very tired from the experience, but with the help of my family--they were able to help me get through it. Seizures are scary experiences and I hate them so much because I feel trapped in my own body. I'm glad they don't happen often because I can't stand them...and they are extremely exhausting. My whole body is utterly exhausted and sore. So on that note..

Friend, I hope you have a pleasant night and sweet dreams, and you are experiencing good health!! :)

Lotsa Love,

1 comment:

  1. You are so cute in your pics. Hope you have a better day tomorrow. Thinking of you and praying for you LB :)
