Dear Friend,
I have to tell you about my backyard adventure with Maximus, "the Determined", today.
I had just been in the bathroom for about 25 minutes doing my hair, changing from pajamas to school-appropriate clothes, putting on my makeup and singing along with the radio (of course). So I was all ready for school--I was packing up my books and getting ready to head out the door, when I noticed Max was watching I figured I'd let him out before I left. So I walked him around in the front yard, and he did his business. Then Honey Bear was whining when I came inside, so I let her out in the back.
--Now, my backyard is fenced, and it isn't the largest backyard in the world, but still--it's a fairly well sized bit of yard! So Max was whining and I knew he wanted to run around with Honey Bear, so I felt a little guilty having him on the leash. So I freed him so he could run around with Honey Bear. Then I heard some intense fluttering in the corner of the screen. A butterfly was trapped. Our pool net is no longer on a pole (thanks to Honey Bear attacking it last time Christy tried to save a butterfly, heehee) it was difficult for me to try and reach the butterfly because I'm not terribly tall. So I was captivated by this scared butterfly and trying my hardest to save the little fellow, when I realized it was very quiet in the backyard. I looked into the backyard and Honey Bear is standing over Max, watching him eat a rotting avocado.
..I keep a bag of treats with me when I take them into the back yard, because I want to make sure that, if need be, I can get their attention quick. So...I shook the treat bag, called them, did everything--Honey Bear came and sat by my side immediately (she loves treats ha!)...meanwhile Max is ignoring my existence. I tried EVERYTHING...finally I tried to catch him. Man is that little booger fast!!! Twenty minutes later, covered in dirt and sweat (Maximus AND ME)...I had him somewhat cornered in the backyard and finally thought to tell him to sit. I told him to sit as my last gitch effort--and wouldn't you know it--HE SAT!!!! And then he sat there--with ears up--with this expression saying, "Is the fun game over now Auntie Linds???"...oh the fun game was OVER!!! I was so irritated and I was late for my class! It was terrible. I left the house--sweaty, hot, and dirty!! But he was safe--in his pen, covered in dirt and beggars lice. When I came home tonight he was perfectly clean and excited to see me :)
So I have come to the conclusion that rotten avocados must taste so much better than normal ones, because Max always goes for the squirrel half-eat and rotting ones...I don't approve...and I try to stop him...but I'm beginning to think his middle name is Determination. Even the vet has told us we have one very determined puppy...a good, and not so good thing depending on the situation! :) ...and no, I did not end up saving the butterfly. If he's still trapped tomorrow morning I'll go in for round two...he'll be more exhausted and more willing to be saved.
Side Note #1: Honestly, I don't know how he always stays so's amazing!! I wish Honey Bear had that gift!
Side Note #2: This time change is really messing with my's only 8:50pm and it feels like midnight!!! ...I think I need some coffee. :)
Until next time, Friend, I hope you had yourself a wonderful day and I hope you have a great night! Sweet dreams!
Lotsa Love,