Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tonight's "Special"

Dear Friend,

Friday night I went to babysit my darling "little sisters", the Canning girls. On my way, I stopped by Dunkin Donuts to pick Bill up his Christmas present--150 donuts--ahaha--just kidding--I got him a gift card....and decided that I would buy some Munchkins for me and the girls to snack on while I was there. This is how my Dunkin Donuts (and one of the nicest moments of my life) went down:

Me: "Hi! Can you tell me how the munchkins come? I've never ordered them before, so do I order by the dozen or how does this work??"
Nice Young Man Working at Dunkin Donuts: "Oh well we have boxes that hold up to 50 at a time--we can give you 20, 50, however many you like."
Me: (slightly shocked at 50) "Oh, no, no--I don't need 50 (haha)..."
Nice Young Man Working at Dunkin Donuts: "Oh, well you can have however many you want...10, 15, 20..."
Me: "I think 15 sounds good"
Nice Young Man Working at Dunkin Donuts: "Alrighty, 15 it is. What kind would you like?"
Me: "Uhhh...I'll have glazed and chocolate glazed please."
Nice Young Man Working at Dunkin Donuts: "Alrighty is that all?"
Me: "And can I please have $10 put on this gift card?"
Nice Young Man Working at Dunkin Donuts: "Sure! (he puts the card into a sleeve--which I appreciated since I was trying to find some cash in my purse and had no idea how much munchkins were since they weren't up on the menu--I like to be prepared and I was a little distrought when the menu did not include muchkin pricing!) Alrighty so your total is $10.80"
Me: dumbfounded, a little confused "Oh well I'm going to pay for the giftcard and the munchkins at the same time.."
Nice Young Man Working at Dunkin Donuts: "Oh I know they are included in the price."
Me: (I like to make sure I always pay for at Publix they had only scanned 2 of my basil packages when I had 3 and I told them that I had 3 and they had undercharged me...I don't want to feel like I'm stealing anything!!) "All those Munchkins are only 80 cents?!?! How is that possible?!?!" like just totally shocked and dumbfounded.
Nice Young Man Working at Dunkin Donuts: (smiles) "Oh, it's tonight's special.."
Me: ", thank you so much. That is so nice!!"

...He had charged me for only 4 munchkins...I feel kind of guilty, but I tried to correct him--it was a lovely gift though! I was so flattered and just so...I don't know...grateful shock of that. Needless to say, it is something I will never (hopefully) was such a wonderful act of kindness. It wasn't even weird because he wasn't hitting on me or uncomfortable to be around so that made the experience perfect. It was just..incredible. And so were those munchkins! We ate all of them while we watched the Pixar Short Films :)....but before we played with "little people" in the big bath tub (photos to come! haha)

Well, tomorrow spring semester picks up and I'm preparing myself to say "adios" to sleeping in til the ripe old hour of 8am...gone are those days!! 6am is going to get here fast and I still have some things to put my first day of school outfit, my folder/binder and notebook..some pens..some extra laptop...etc. (sigh) and I have to get to bed soon because Honey Bear is tired and she won't go to bed until I do :) (she's actually sleeping at my feet, but every 5 minutes she huffs and puffs so I'll know it's past her bedtime and she's annoyed haha!).

Goodnight, dear Friend, I hope you have sweet dreams and my challenge to you is this: find ways to show acts of pure kindness to others (even strangers)--it is a rare occurrance in places like South Florida--and we definitely could benefit from a little more kindness! :)

Lotsa Love,

P.S. this post is not being edited due to time constraints--so please do not critique too heavily--spelling was never easy for me! :)